10 Iron-Rich Foods For Picky Eaters
If you’ve got a picky eater (like me), chances are at some point you’ve worried about whether they’re getting enough iron.
We’re always told that iron is such an important nutrient for kids’ growth and development.
But if your child barely touches their dinner each night or refuses to eat anything other than plain white carbs, it can feel almost impossible to get enough into them.
But the good news is there are plenty of iron-rich foods for picky eaters - even the REALLY picky ones!
Read on for my top 10 iron-rich foods for picky eaters, as a pediatric dietitian (and mother of a picky eater!).
Firstly, why is iron so important for children?
Iron is an essential mineral for healthy growth and development.
Our bodies use iron to make haemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells, which transports oxygen to all parts of our body via our blood.
Iron is also needed for the development of healthy immune cells, so it also plays an important role in maintaining a strong immune system.
How much iron do kids need?
Because of their rapid growth and development, young children need a lot of iron in their diets, particularly babies and toddlers.
The recommended daily intakes of iron for children are:
7-12 months = 11mg/day
1-3 years = 9 mg/day
4-8 years = 10 mg/day
What happens if children don’t get enough iron?
Because young children have high iron requirements but very small stomachs, they are at higher risk of not eating enough iron to meet their requirements. Add picky eating into the mix and the risk increases.
This can lead to iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia, the most common nutritional deficiency in the world.
Iron deficiency symptoms in children include:
Pale skin
Irritability or fussiness
Lack of energy and fatigue
Cold hands and feet
Slowed growth and development
Poor appetite
Abnormally rapid heartbeat and breathing
Reduced immunity and frequent infections
Desire to eat dirt, ice, chalk or other non-food items (known as a ‘pica’)
Haem vs non-haem iron
Iron in food comes in two forms, haem iron and non-haem iron.
The iron in red meat, chicken and fish is a mix of haem and non-haem iron, whereas iron from eggs and plant-based sources such as grains, legumes, nuts, seeds and vegetables is non-haem iron.
Non-haem iron is less bioavailable, meaning less of it is absorbed by our body.
That means we need more of these foods to meet our iron requirements.
How to increase iron absorption
While non-haem iron isn’t as readily absorbed as haem iron, if it’s combined with vitamin C, its absorption is increased by up to 6 times.
So it’s a good idea to serve non-meat sources of iron with a food high in vitamin C whenever possible.
Foods high in vitamin C include:
Citrus fruits, e.g. oranges, lemons, mandarins
Kiwi fruit
Iron and vegetarian diets
Meat (i.e. red meat, poultry and fish) is the richest source of iron, but we can get plenty of iron from plant-based sources.
There’s no reason kids can’t meet their iron requirements on a vegetarian diet, as long as it’s carefully planned.
If your child doesn’t eat meat, plenty of iron-rich foods should be included in their diet and served with a source of vitamin C to increase absorption.
Aim to include a variety of iron-rich foods rather than sticking to the same two or three.
Make sure your child’s doctor is aware and it’s also a good idea to speak to a pediatric dietitian to ensure your child is getting all the nutrients they need.
If your child is following a vegan diet, guidance from their doctor and a pediatric dietitian is strongly recommended in order to avoid nutrient deficiencies that can affect their growth and development.
Iron inhibitors
The amount of non-haem iron that is absorbed in our bodies can be influenced by compounds called ‘anti-nutrients’, which can partially block absorption.
The main anti-nutrient is phytate, which is found in wholegrain cereals, legumes and nuts.
Phytate levels can be reduced by soaking, sprouting or cooking these foods, and serving iron-containing foods with a source of vitamin C (as above) also helps to counteract the effects of anti-nutrients.
But in general, unless they’re eaten in large amounts, phytates are unlikely to cause an issue when it comes to overall nutrient intake.
Calcium is also an inhibitor of both haem and non-haem iron absorption so there’s often concern about the effects of serving milk with iron-fortified cereal.
However, studies have shown that calcium from dairy products or calcium-fortified foods has little effect on iron absorption from a whole diet.
Iron and milk intake
Some young children become deficient in iron as a result of drinking too much cow’s milk.
Cow’s milk is a poor source of iron and can also fill up little tummies, meaning children eat less at mealtimes or eat a reduced variety of foods.
Cow’s milk shouldn’t be given as a drink to babies under 12 months and should be limited to no more than 500ml/day for those over 12 months.
Does my child need an iron supplement?
If your child’s doctor thinks your child might have anaemia, they’ll usually order blood tests to check their iron status.
If iron deficiency is confirmed, your child’s doctor may recommend iron supplements to increase their iron status.
Supplements should only be taken under the direction of your child’s doctor as side effects of iron supplementation can occur.
Iron-rich foods for picky eaters
But first, a little disclaimer: as a parent of a fussy eater, I know they’re all very different, as are the foods they will and won’t eat.
Some of these foods may be totally unacceptable to your child, but my hope is that you can identify at least one or two they will eat!
1.Iron-fortified breakfast cereal*
Many breakfast cereals have iron and other vitamins and minerals added and as most kids will eat some form of breakfast cereal, they can be a useful way to boost kids’ iron intake.
Choose whole grain, low sugar varieties if you can (e.g. shredded wheat, plain cheerios, Weetbix) and check the nutrition information panel on the back of the pack to see whether iron is included.
2. Baked beans*
Most kids aren’t big fans of beans, but baked beans are often a different story.
Choose salt-reduced versions if you can.
3. Peanut butter*
On toast, crackers, in sandwiches or spread on apple or banana slices.
Other nut butters such as almond or cashew are also good sources of iron
4. Chicken Nuggets
The staple food of many a picky eater, chicken nuggets often get a bad rap, but they are an easy way to get protein and iron into your little one’s diet.
And if you don’t want to buy traditional processed chicken nuggets, you can always make your own!
5. Burgers and meatballs
While many picky eaters shun meat, processed meat products such as sausages, meatballs and burgers are often more acceptable because of their reliable taste and texture.
And because they’re mostly made of red meat, they’re an excellent source of iron!
6. Iron-fortified bread*
Most fussy kids will eat white bread, and they don’t need to know it’s got some added iron!
Look for bread that has ‘with added iron’ or ‘plus iron’ on the label, or check whether iron is included on the nutrition information panel on the back of the label.
7. Dried fruit*
Certain dried fruits are a source of iron such as apricots, prunes and raisins.
While your picky eater might not eat them plain, they might be OK with having them added to muffins and biscuits.
Stick to small portions though as they’re a concentrated source of sugar and can get stuck in teeth
8. Eggs*
A good source of iron and a super nutritious food all round, eggs are hard to beat for a quick and easy meal or snack.
They can be served in lots of different ways - hard-boiled, soft-boiled, scrambled, fried or as omelets - so your picky eater has plenty of options!
9. Legume pasta*
If your picky eater likes pasta, try a legume-based pasta such as chickpea or red lentil pasta.
These come in the same familiar pasta shapes but are made with legumes instead of wheat, so they’re higher in a range of nutrients including iron.
They do have a different taste and texture, so won’t necessarily be a hit with all picky eaters, but worth a try!
10. Chia seeds*
Chia seeds are one of the best plant sources of iron and are easy to add to foods such as breakfast cereal, porridge, muffins and smoothies.
You can even try your luck with a chia pudding (start with a small serving as chia seeds are high in fiber which can upset little tummies).
*Sources of non-haem iron, which is less easily absorbed than the haem iron in meat. Serve these foods with a vitamin C-rich food (such as oranges, kiwi fruit, strawberries or broccoli) to increase absorption. A wedge or two of orange or a couple of strawberries should do the trick.
All picky eaters are different.
If none of these foods work for your child, or if you’re concerned about your child’s iron status or fussy eating generally, chat to their doctor or consult a pediatric dietitian to make sure they’re getting what they need.